TREC is a GUI application for video recording and playing. This application is especially interesting for new camera devices if they are supported by Video4Linux.
Two example screenshots are displayed below. The left screenshot displays TREC capturing the integrated camera of a laptop. The MLPG video codec with a resolution of 320x180 pixels at 15 frames per second (FPS) is selected (Many options are possible normally). The right screenshot displays TREC capturing a recorded video of an additive manufacturing process, Directed Energy Deposition (DED), to be specific. The video is played back at 90+ FPS.
Major information:
Video4Linux device drivers are needed. To check run in terminal:
If the package is not installed, install it with:
sudo apt install v4l-utils
After installation the visible devices can be checked with:
v4l2-ctl --list-devices
If no devices are visible, the application will not be able to capture any. In that case only recorded videos can be played in the application.
Git has to be installed to clone:
sudo apt install git
Clone the repository to current working directory
git clone
We advise to install a new python virtual environment first with:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate environment
source venv/bin/activate
Install all necessary Python packages with:
pip install -r /trec/requirements.txt
To run execute the following from the current working directory:
python3 /trec/trec/